Software Heirarchy#

BuildCC single lib#

BuildCC sources are compiled into a single library

  • The easiest way to use BuildCC

  • After building the project all we need to do is -lbuildcc -ltiny-process-library or equivalent

rectangle JSON as json
rectangle fmt as fmt
rectangle spdlog as spdlog
rectangle Taskflow as taskflow
rectangle CLI11 as cli11
rectangle "tiny-process-library" as tpl

rectangle BuildCC as buildcc

json -up-> buildcc
fmt -up-> buildcc
spdlog -up-> buildcc
taskflow -up-> buildcc
cli11 -up-> buildcc
tpl -up-> buildcc

BuildCC interface lib#

BuildCC is broken up into multiple smaller libraries

  • This has been done mainly for unit-testing and mocking segregation

  • It helps to easily architect the BuildCC library by visualizing internal dependencies

  • Please see Testing for more information of how the mock_* equivalent of these libraries are used

rectangle JSON as json #palegreen
rectangle fmt as fmt #palegreen
rectangle spdlog as spdlog #palegreen
rectangle Taskflow as taskflow #palegreen
rectangle CLI11 as cli11 #palegreen
rectangle "tiny-process-library" as tpl #palegreen

rectangle Environment as env #aliceblue
rectangle Schema as schema #aliceblue
rectangle Toolchain as toolchain #aliceblue
rectangle Target as target #aliceblue
rectangle "Toolchain specialized" as toolchain_specialized #aliceblue
rectangle "Target specialized" as target_specialized #aliceblue
rectangle Args as args #aliceblue
rectangle Register as register #aliceblue
rectangle "Supported Plugins" as plugins #aliceblue
rectangle BuildCC as buildcc

fmt -up-> env
spdlog .up.> env
tpl .up.> env

cli11 -up-> args
taskflow -up-> register

json .up.> schema
env -up-> schema

schema -up-> toolchain

toolchain -up-> target
taskflow -up-> target

toolchain -up-> toolchain_specialized
target -up-> target_specialized

target -up-> args
target -up-> register
target -up-> plugins

toolchain_specialized -up-> buildcc
target_specialized -up-> buildcc
args -up-> buildcc
register -up-> buildcc
plugins -up-> buildcc